BADS Directory of Procedures & National Dataset


The BADS Directory of Procedures provides recommended day case rates for nearly 300 surgical procedures, arranged by specialty and defined using OPCS coding. The rates quoted are arrived at by a combination of reported practice from leaders in their field, actual rates from Hospital Episode Statistics figures and expert opinion and most are achieved by one or more hospitals, although some are aspirational.

The National Dataset is produced in collaboration with Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems using their hospital benchmarking solution iCompare. It shows the variation in day surgery performance of English hospitals for all the operations listed in the BADS Directory of Procedures and the potential release of inpatient beds and cost savings achieved if the quoted BADS targets are met.

Authors: The British Association of Day Surgery, Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems.

Published: Initially published January 2022, with ongoing revisions as new data becomes available.

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